Monday, October 25, 2010

Dear Readers,

It has been 5 days since my last post.
I have been slacking lately and I'm feeling bad about it.
I told myself I would be a blogger and try to blog at least 4 or 5 times a week. Lately that has not happened. But yesterday was my birthday, so cut me some slack...

I have decided not to blog on the weekends so I can spend that precious time with my husband and daughter together. Unfortunately that means no more Sunday Show and tell. Which bums me out cause I had a lot of fun with it. But family comes first.

Now here are some pictures of Sweet Thing in a few pretty dresses she owns but never gets the chance to wear. Not too many special occasions around here I guess.

funny face

guess the distraction!

1 lovely comments:

Unknown said...

I never thought to play dress up with all those clothes. That is a good idea.

I limit my weekend blogging too...Good for you mama!