Friday, July 16, 2010

I'm Pale Green

Like the palest green!
And by green I mean eco-friendly.
I am trying to be GREEN green though!
My journey of going green started when I heard of modern cloth diapers. I searched and searched all about them. Sweet Husband thought cloth diapers were for suckers, so I questioned it and learned all about the nasty stuff and production of disposable diapers. That is the ultimate point I went green...litterally, I felt sick to my stomach knowing about the chemicals in " 'sposies" and that they can be a factor in asthma, and reproductive problems later in life. Its quite sad that we are putting those kind of harmful chemicals near the most sensitive of human body parts.
But more to the point. Going Green!
I have decided to try my best to reduce the waste my family produces, and for the stuff that is unnavoidable, we are going to recycle (which technically we already do, cause our town ROCKS!)

So here is a list of things I would like to start doing in order to save our precious earth:

  • use un-paper towel
  • up-cycle old clothes for projects
  •  take shorter showers
  • go to more garage sales
  • unplug anything that "glows"
  • recycle all the old cell phones kickin' around
  • shop for produce at the farmer's market
  • let the grass grow
  • only wash full loads of laundry
  • compost

Things I already do to be green:

  • use energy efficient appliances
  • use compact fluorescent light bulbs
  • use cloth diapers (working on cloth wipes)
  • recycle: yard waste, plastic, paper, glass
  • line-dry our clothes in the summer
  • drink water from the tap, and bring my own water bottle
  • use eco-friendly cleaners
  • my husband drives a hybrid for work (the only vehicle we own currently)

Do you have any suggestions for other ways I can be green?

    2 lovely comments:

    Tara said...

    I'm now following your fun blog from the Blog Hop! Feel free to follow back at :)

    Yenta Mary said...

    Good morning! Thank you for coming to visit me! Now following along ... :)